AHF events for JANUARY

AMMA HELPING FOUNDATION Events on january 2019:- food distribution by R.k.Naidu in Tanuku on the ocassion of his friend birthday on 03/01/2019 and celebrated with cake cutting in slum area with them. visiting and sweets distribution by our volunteers #Divya and #shiva in sirisha rehabilitation centre,vuyyuru on 04/01/2019. Food distribution for road side people by divya,shiva and gopi on 20/01/2019 in vijayawada. Donation of physiotherphy equipment sponsored by divya and presented by shiva and veena on 23/01/2019 in yedhanapudi,prakasam dt. Food distribution to road side people by our grp member sony and her friend in hyderbad on 27/01/2019. A baby is suffering with heart problem and undergone a heart surgery and the family could not afford to clear the bills,then ahf took it as challenge and donated 16,000/- on their behalf and gathered many other organisations and together they paid 1.5lakhs hospital bills and discharged that baby on 30/01/2019..And now the ...