“We are not born only for ourselves,When fate us Money,let's help the needy." We are here on the Earth to help others those who are in need.The purpose of the life is not to be happy,It is to be useful,to be honourable,to be compassionate,to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. The lady in the pic is Mrs.Devi,w/o kishore.They had a baby girl and they are a happy family.They are overwhelmed to welcome a new member to their family.But all of sudden,it happened she became unconscious.She was admitted in Apollo hospitals,Jubilee hills,Hyderbad.Doctors decleared that she got CVST brain problem and operated her on 19th Febraury 2019.But still she was not in conscious stage and doctors declared that she had gone into coma.She is under observation and her medical bills per day is Rs.80,000/-.As her Husband is a small private employee,he could not afford the bills.His company gave him some financial support and he was about to sell his...